Chinese Herbs

Zhi Mu, or Anemarrhenae, has strong antibiotic effects. Zhi mu means 'knowing the mother', referring to it's yin-nourishing properties.

Unlike western herbalism which usually prescribes the use of single herbs, Chinese herbalism almost always combines a number of herbs as a formula. The herbs contained in a formula are like characters in a story. Each herb has its own vector of movement and vibrational resonance and together they orchestrate a symphony for healing.
Herbal therapy is an effective treatment by itself; it is even more powerful when combined with acupuncture. An herbal consultation consists of a thorough examination and diagnosis leading to a treatment plan. A custom prescription will be given which will be modified as the healing progresses. The patient can choose to take the herbs in granule (powder) or capsule form. Granules are dissolved in a small amount of water and drunk. The patient benefits from the added experience of taste and flavor, important elements in Chinese herbal medicine. I recommend granules because it is more effective. Capsules may be more convenient and is the choice for those who find the earthy and sometimes bitter taste of herbs distasteful. Thre patient will also be educated in the nature and purpose of the herbs and the safe way to take them. 
Herbal consultation and treatment are available to remote patients and those who for other reasons are unable to visit the clinic. Contact Lok-Kwan to work out a plan.