Depression, nighttime hot flashes and poor sleep

In a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism healthy females aged 18 to 45 were given daily doses of Lupron to drastically reduce their estrogen levels and create a state of ‘medical menopause’. Their depressive scores, reported sleep quality and number of hot flashes were recorded and compared to their baseline. It was found that depression was worse with poorer sleep quality and higher number of nighttime hot flashes.

The Yin includes Blood and Fluids. In gynecology the Yin can roughly be equated with estrogen levels. Menopause is the waning of the Chong and Ren when they are empty of Blood and Yin. When Yin is deficient the Yang loses its anchor and becomes unruly. The Spirit seeks its rest in the Yin Blood during the Yin time of the night. Here sleep is poor because the Spirit has no comfortable place to rest. Heat is Yang and unruly Yang expresses itself as hot flashes. The Yang depends on the Yin for nourishment and Yin deficiency will eventually subvert the Yang. Depression can be a symptom of Yin deficiency by itself or a combination of both yin and Yang deficiency. In Chinese medicine the symptomatology of menopause includes poor sleep, hot flashes and depression as confirmed by the study.