First step to combat depression: Go down a different road

First step to combat depression: Go down a different road

Consciousness is precious because it's what we mostly have and the quality of the consciousness determines whether our life is joyful, full of wonders, or a curse. I prefer the former and have developed ways to make my days lighter and brighter. A simple way is to go down a different road. I am speaking metaphorically but also literally.

Each of the Five Elements has its own emotion: anger, joy, worry, grief, fear. These negative emotions are often empahsized. Even the 'joy' here, which pertains to the Heart Element, is an uncontrollable over-exuberance. But like anything in Chinese medicine, there is the flip side: The positive Five Element emotions are generosity, tranquility, decisiveness, ability to let go, and courage.

We tend to do the same things everyday. Take the same road everyday, respond to events and people in the same way everyday. That means the energetics of one or two Elements are overworked to excess while the others languish in disuse. Most of us are like that - highly unbalanced. So do something a little differently today. Go down a different road. Respond to things that come our way in a different way. Activate the sterile energetics of the neglected Elements to achieve some balance. Small steps that could bring about a better life!