Treating External Injury With Chinese Medicine

Day 3: The injured area is still inflamed
Day 4: Less inflammation but dead blood is setting in. The red mark on the left is a burn resulting from the patient applying heat to the area.
Day 6: Bruising is fully visible but also becomes less dark as dead blood is cleared
Day 11: Big improvement is evident
Day 13: Even better
Day 17: Almost all good

Dit Da is a branch in Chinese Medicine that deals with external injury. In many cases, it is a legitimate and valuable alternative to the ER, imaging and drugs. Patient is a 64 years old healthy male who suffered a fall. While descending a flight of fire stairs he slipped and landed on his left side on the metal rods of the stairs. A careful examination determined that there were no bone fractures or ruptured organs. Only Chinese herbs were given and the goal was to control pain, clear dead blood and promote healing. The photos above document the progress from day 3 to day 17 after the accident. Hover cursor over each picture to see comments.