Bud Beyer, Professor Emeritus, Northwestern University

'Teachers, Masters, like Lok Kwan, are rare. Do not miss the opportunity.'

'The study of Qigong is the preparation for all the activities of life from sports, to healing, to simply meeting the stresses that each day brings to us. Qigong is a simple and elemental system of gentle movements and stretches, deep restorative breathing, and the profound connection to elemental forces. The study of this art requires no great athleticism or youthful subtleness. Its highest form is attainable by anyone, of any age, who will simply make the daily practice of Qigong a part of ones life.

We all come to Qigong for different reasons and at different times in our life. I arrived at Lok Kwan’s door at age sixty-nine suffering with lung cancer. Now turning 71 and cancer free, and a daily practitioner of Qigong, I continue to arrive twice a week at Lok Kwan’s door, where I find myself on the greatest journey of my life. Teachers, Masters, like Lok Kwan, are rare. Do not miss the opportunity.'

Bud Beyer
Professor Emeritus
Northwestern University