Fulfilling Destiny

Eight Extraordinary Vessels Treatment

We are all born with a set of 'givens': our ancestry, genetic make-up, ethnicity, gender, as well as cosmic and karmic configurations that together create our 'constitution'. These factors are difficult or impossible to change. They imply a unique curriculum for each life, challenges that the person will have to overcome before she or he can feel fulfilled. The choices we make when confronted by these challenges constitute our destiny.

If we do not understand our unique challenges we squander our energy fighting, denying, or avoiding them instead of fulfilling them. Our life becomes difficult. Oriental medicine can help us deal with these consititutional issues so we can experience fulfillment. Fulfilling Destiny focuses on the use of special channels that probe the constitutional level called the Eight Extraordinary Vessels. The goal is to seek a deeper understanding of our unique life challenges so that we can transcend them.